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Hair and faecal cortisol level’s variations during the training in Schutzhund dogs

The aim of this study was to determine the cortisol levels in Schutzhund dogs during training, in order to highlight a relationship between different work programmes and adrenocortical activity. Fifteen Schutzhund dogs (12 males and 3 females) were used: six dogs with the highest level of training (title IPO-3, group IPO-3), and nine animals without title IPO (group IPO-0). Animals of the two groups followed two different training programmes. The programme followed by IPO-3 dogs consisted of a period of intense work for each section (section A - tracking phase, section B - obedience phase and section C - protection phase; period 1) and a period of reduction in the intensity of the training (period 2). On the other hand, IPO-0 dogs underwent a constant work intensity throughout the experiment. The faeces and hair cortisol content was measured by RIA. In all dogs the exercise induced a significant increase of faecal cortisol concentrations as compared with the levels at rest; the faecal levels of this hormone were higher in IPO-3 than in IPO-0 dogs both on days when animals were not doing physical activity and on days of work, indicating a greater exercise-related adrenocortical stimulation. Training intensity induced a modification in faecal cortisol concentrations while these were not affected by the type of work (Sections A, B and C). Correlation between hair and faecal cortisol levels was also checked; hair cortisol levels correlated positively with those observed in faeces.

Additional Info

  • Authors: 1 Accorsi P. A., 1 Petrulli C., 1 Viggiani R., 1 Gamberoni M., 2 Linguerri C., 1 Bucci D., 1 Beghelli V., 1 Mattioli M.
  • Authors note: 1 Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie, Università di Bologna - Via Tolara di Sopra 50, 40064 Ozzano Emilia (BO), Italia | 2 Clinica Veterinaria San Francesco, Via M. Villa 24/B, 40026 Imola (BO), Italia
  • Year: 2018
  • Reference: Veterinaria Year 32, n. 5, October 2018
  • Pages: 303 - 311
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