We describe the case of a periprosthetic fracture in a 9-year old, European Shorthair cat weighing 7.3 kg. The fracture occurred as a result of a fall, 2 weeks after implantation of a cemented Micro-THR-System hip prosthesis. The fracture was classified as type B1 according to the Vancouver classification. The fracture was anatomically reduced and stabilised using a locking plate with two monocortical screws, four bicortical screws and two cerclage wires. At follow-up after 3 weeks, the cat was weight-bearing but limping. At the 5-week follow-up, and subsequently (at 10 weeks, 6 months and 2 years), the cat’s ambulation was normal. At the 10-week follow-up, the fracture was radiographically healed. At the 2-year follow-up the cat was walking normally and had no radiographic evidence of osteolysis around the screws or bone reabsorption due to stress protection.
Periprosthetic fracture in a cat
Additional Info
- Authors: Petazzoni M., Buiatti M., Mortellaro C. M.
- Authors note: Massimo Petazzoni*, Med Vet, Peschiera Borromeo, Milano - Michela Buiatti, Med Vet, Peschiera Borromeo, Milano - Carlo Maria Mortellaro, Med Vet, Prof, Università degli Studi di Milano
- Year: 2016
- Reference: Veterinaria Year 30, n. 6, December 2016
- Pages: 1 - 9
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Year 30, n. 6, December 2016