Faecal microbiota transplantation in 16 dogs with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease

Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is an experimental, non-pharmacological medical treatment, which is being used to restore phylogenetic diversity in the microbiota. In human medicine it has been shown to be an effective treatment for recurrent Clostrid ium difficile infections. Therefore, in veterinary medicine FMT has recently been tested as a treatment for multiple gas trointestinal diseases, unresponsive to common medical therapies, such as idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), chronic enteropathy, chronic colitis and gastrointestinal infections caused by Clostridium perfringes. The aim of our study was to perform FMT in dogs with idiopathic IBD unresponsive to common therapies and evaluate clinical response, using the CCECAI classification index, at follow-ups after 1 month and 3 months. Sixteen dogs with idiopathic IBD were included in this study. Nine animals underwent transplantation with fresh emulsion via an endo scopic procedure
and five of these animals were also given the transplant orally. Seven dogs were only administered the oral transplantation using frozen capsules. The data showed clinical improvement in most of the patients after transplantation, whether performed orally or endoscopically. The lack of a complete assessment of the microbiota by pyrosequencing and the absence of a control group represent the two main limitations of this work. Nevertheless, FMT appears to be a concrete and promising possibility for the palliative treatment of idiopathic IBD unresponsive to common therapies, worthy of further study and investigation.

Additional Info

  • Authors: 1 Bottero E., 2 Benvenuti E., 2 Ruggiero P.
  • Authors note: 1 Poliambulatorio Veterinario Argentina, via Levà 58, Taggia (IM) - 2 Centro Veterinario Specialistico, via Sandro Giovannini 51, Roma
  • Year: 2017
  • Reference: Veterinaria Year 31, n. 1, February 2017
  • Pages: 1 - 12
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