A 9 years old female entire Lhasa Apso was referred for investigation and treatment of abdominal distension caused by an abdominal mass identified by ultrasound examination.
The dog was comfortable on abdominal palpation. Haematology and serum biochemistry were unremarkable.
Pre and post contrast-enhanced CT of the thorax and abdomen were performed under general anaesthesia including a triple phase abdominal angiogram (Video1 and 2, Figure 1 and 2).
The mass was identified in the right uterine horn.
• What are the differential diagnoses for a uterine mass with this appearance?
• What is the name of the sign evident on the transverse CT scan in Figure 1 (white arrow, check the movies for support) and what does it represent?
• What treatment is indicated for the diagnosis you think is most likely and what prognosis would the animal have?