Safety of the concurrent treatment of dogs with topical fluralaner and topical deltamethrin

Introduction and aim - Fluralaner is a systemic ectoparasiticide providing flea- and tick-control for twelve weeks following single topical administration. Deltamethrin impregnated collars provide anti-feeding activity against phlebotomine sandfly for 5 months, thereby preventing transmission of Leishmania ssp. This study investigated the safety of concurrent topical administration of fluralaner (Bravecto™ spot-on solution for dogs, MSD Animal Health) and deltamethrin (Scalibor™ Protectorband, MSD Animal Health).
Materials and methods - Ten dogs were fitted one deltamethrin collar for six months and were concurrently administered fluralaner at the maximum clinical dose of 56 mg/kg BW on three occasion (days 0, 56 and 112) topically. The ten dogs in the control group received neither fluralaner nor deltamethrin. All dogs were observed for general health, weighed weekly and examined by a veterinarian at multiple time points throughout the study. Since the study was performed in Australia all dogs received oral moxidectin monthly for heartworm prevention.
Results and discussion - Throughout the study period of 24 weeks, there were no clinical findings related to concurrent topical treatment with fluralaner in dogs fitted with a deltamethrin collar. No clinical findings were observed associated with moxidectin administration. Two dogs in the treatment group showed transient localized skin reactions at the collar application site, which were considered to be caused by mechanical irritation and were consistent with the product leaflet. No findings were observed at the topical fluralaner administration site. There were no obvious changes in bodyweights. Concurrent treatment with topical fluralaner is well tolerated in dogs fitted with deltamethrin collar.

Additional Info

  • Authors: 1 Walther F. M., 2 Fisara P., 3 Allan M. J., 4 Roepke K. A.
  • Authors note: 1 Dr.; Merck Animal Health 2 Giralda Farms, Madison, NJ, USA. -. 2 BAgSc; MSD Animal Health, 26 Artisan Road, Seven Hills, NSW 2172, Australia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. - 3 BVSc; MSD Animal Health Innovation GmbH, Zur Propstei, Schwabenheim 55270, Germany; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. - 4 Dr.; MSD Animal Health Innovation GmbH, Zur Propstei, Schwabenheim 55270, Germany; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Year: 2017
  • Reference: Veterinaria Year 31, n. 4, August 2017
  • Pages: 1 - 4
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