Luxation of the radial carpal bone is an uncommon orthopaedic condition in dogs. Here we describe two cases of radial carpal bone luxation, one in a 7-year old, mixed breed, spayed bitch (case 1), the other in a 9-yearold, mixed breed, neutered male dog (case 2). Both dogs were referred for severe front limb lameness. Physical examination showed a reduced range of motion of the radio-carpal joint and palmaro-medial swelling. Radiographs showed palmaro-medial luxation of the radial carpal bone. In case 1 computed tomography scans did not reveal any other lesions to the radial carpal bone or to the adjacent carpal bones. In case 1 an open reduction of the radial carpal bone was performed, restoring the bone to its anatomic position; the joint capsule was sutured and the limb was immobilized with a splint for 2 weeks. In case 2 a closed reduction was obtained and a transarticular external fixator was applied for 3 weeks. In both cases, at 8 weeks after surgery, the radial carpal bone was still in its anatomic place. The range of motion was partially reduced but no lameness was detected.
Palmaro-medial luxation of the radial carpal bone in the dog: two case reports
Additional Info
- Authors: # Serafini F., § Marchesi E., $ Rosi P., * Allevi G.
- Authors note: # Clinica veterinaria Foce, - § Ospedale veterinario città di Bergamo, - $ Clinica Veterinaria Rosi, - *Ospedale veterinario città di Bergamo
- Year: 2017
- Reference: Veterinaria Year 31, n. 4, August 2017
- Pages: 1 - 5
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Year 31, n. 4, August 2017