Urinary tract obstruction in pigs can be seen with anatomical abnormalities or as a complication following castration. The surgical techniques described in the pig are few and consist of prepubic urethrostomy, extrapelvic urethral or urethropreputial anastomosis. These techniques are complex and not free from complications. Aim of the study was to describe the technique used to perform a proximal perineal urethrostomy in a Vietnamese potbellied pig. A Vietnamese pot-bellied pig with urinary obstruction was referred for complications after prepubic cystostomy. Endoscopy showed a stricture at the junction of the membranous and penile portions of the urethra. A perineal urethrostomy was performed. Seven days later the cystostomy was closed. No complication was reported during the procedure and after surgery, with the exception of urine induced dermatitis. Perineal urethrostomy is an effective technique as an alternative to prepubic urethrostomy and extrapelvic urethral anastomosis for the treatment of urethral obstruction in Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs.
Proximal perineal urethrostomy technique for treatment of urethral stricture in a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig
Additional Info
- Authors: Rinnovati R., Lambertini C., Spadari A
- Authors note: Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie, Via Tolara di Sopra 50, Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO), Italia
- Year: 2017
- Reference: Veterinaria Year 31, n. 5, October 2017
- Pages: 1 - 5
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Year 31, n. 5, October 2017